Good job, Jim. But see if you can somehow pull a Dr. Doolittle and
talk to those little guys--"Hold still for just a few seconds" or maybe
"Tilt a bit to your right, please." If you're successful, please let
other butterfly photographers know how you do it.
They only rarely pose for me except before they have there coffee in
the AM before it gets too warm.
The Tiger Swallowtales are out here too. My first outing with the
Massachusetts chapter of the North American Butterfly Assoc is Sat.
Guess who is charged with documenting the critters.
It's all Dean's fault. ;-) New butterfly lens (thanks to Jeff K
spotting it for short $) is the viv s1 90-180 f4.5 macro for OM. No
need to move to change mag as that seems to spook the critters at least
the way I do it. One issue with it. More on that later.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: