No, a good design LED lamp drive has little power lost, I believe in the 10%
range. You can't affort to have high power loss since you need to dissipate
the heat, larger size and more powerful components.... all these added to
the cost.
The fluorescent lights looks complicated but looking at the price you will
know it is not complicated to make. The problem is the cheap lamps which
does not last long. The better one should last for over three years. Low
power lamp is very important to us, we use air conditioner in summer, every
watt of power dissipated by lamp will be doubled.
----- Original Message -----
From: "SwissPace" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>I am still waiting for LED lighting to take off here, I am convinced its
> he answer and have a few already, but I think so much energy is being
> lost in the power transformation. I have an idea on how to improve that
> ;-) I don't like the Fluorescent lights and find the energy savers are
> rubbish and am not convinced they are better for the environment - they
> don't seem to last longer and are much more complicated to make.
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