Like they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
--Bob Whitmire
On Jun 25, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Charles Geilfuss wrote:
> Thanks for posting the links Chuck, those are great food for
> thought (pun
> intended). I've always felt there is a lot of shenanigans in the
> drug trial
> business and far too much drug company money chasing doctors (alas
> I'm not
> one of them). And don't get me started on TV ads for prescription
> drugs that
> drive sales for dubious new products. Big Pharma is famous for
> making a
> slight chemical change to a drug whose patent is about to expire,
> claim
> wondrous new benefits (usually marginal at best) on TV ads and then
> patients
> demand them and hop from Doc to Doc to get them.
> This cholesterol business has been getting personal of late. Mine
> has been
> creeping up the last ten years and my internist had been leaning on
> me to
> begin a statin. My total is about 250 mg/dl with an LDL of 185 and
> HDL of
> 45. Triglycerides are normal. I'll be 56 this year and since I started
> parenting late my youngest is 11 years. I decided to not play doctor
> on
> myself and take her advice and began Simvistatin 20mg. Everything
> went fine
> for three weeks when out of the blue, as if someone had flipped a
> switch, I
> became completely impotent. WTF! I've never had this problem. Turns
> out to
> be an uncommon but well described side effect. I stopped the statin
> and all
> returned to normal within a few weeks. My physician wants me to wait
> a month
> and try a different statin but I think not. In my gut I no longer
> trust that
> class of drug.
> Time to re-think. My mother lived to 82 and died with no heart
> disease;
> my Dad is a healthy 82 with no heart disease. His cholesterol is
> about the
> same as mine and was pressured by his doctor to go on a statin as
> well. He
> told him to take a hike. As for me I weigh 150 lbs, never smoked,
> exercise
> regularly and eat a well balanced diet with lots of fruit, vegies
> and nuts
> (love 'em). I have a normal EKG, a very low C-reactive protein
> (measure of
> systemic inflammation), low Lipoprotein A (<5 mg/dl) and a cardiac
> calcium
> score of 0. Fuck it! I'm taking my chances with the high LDL. And if
> the guy
> whose link you posted is right it may explain why I rarely get sick
> (haven't
> missed a day of work in 30 years).
> Charlie
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