Crocodile - no worries. They take one look at me and die laughing.
Just making sure that the cousins don't get the idea that their
wildlife is a challenge, just because they've got a few mildly
poisonous rattlesnakes that even let you know that theyr'e annoyed. :-)
As to your pictures - very pretty little carpet snake, about two
metres by the look. Just a tiddler really.
Andrew Fildes
On 16/06/2010, at 10:26 PM, Marc Lawrence wrote:
> Ohhh, you're such a cute, widdle, old teddy bear when you do your Mick
> Dundee impression. Just makes me want to see you wrestle a croc, big
> fella.
> Noosa's my place in the sun, but being a RAAF-brat takes you a bit
> further afield than comfortable distance from a latte, and kinda stays
> with you. Most of my snake experience comes from camping during
> adulthood. But if you wanna say you've camped more and handled more
> snakes than me, well, I cheerfully cede the dubious honour. ;)
>> For goodness sake, we've got stinging trees and a
>> lethal octopus! (Pretty little beast it is too).
> Box Jellyfish, Irukandji, et cetera, et cetera. I'm familiar with the
> marine unfriendlies, spent as much time in their environment as I
> could (though got more injury from big surf than beasties), near-lost
> a good friend to a Box Jellyfish in the off-season, and you can't call
> yourself "Bruce" unless you've had to hand-untangle some bluebottle or
> jellyfish tentacles from your legs every so often. Grabbed a handful
> of Giant Stinging Tree once, stumbling on a track in Bunya
> Mountains...that was the most hurty. I almost feel...blokey!
> Still...soft, old Noosa, hey? Kind of wrecks completely the awesome
> impression of hard-yakka, true-blue, dinky-di, red-blooded,
> footy-lovin', Bundy-drinkin', manliness that people have always
> assumed in me. Still though, I will struggle to proceed, ever the
> disappointment. :)
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