I don't think I'd worry about a permit. In most cases, I'd just leave
it be. They're just not much of a bother. Iff it were a danger, I'd
probably just dispatch it with the edge of a shovel and forget about it.
On 6/16/2010 9:24 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> I don't know about a felony but it's certainly illegal. In Indiana it
> requires two separate permits to capture or kill a rattlesnake. The
> first is a "nuisance animal" permit which is required for capturing or
> killing any wild animal (eg, a raccoon) that's a nuisance on your own
> property. Secondly, both species of rattlesnake that exist in Indiana
> (Eastern Massasagua or Timber) are considered endangered within the
> state due to their extremely limited distribution. So, in addition to
> the nuisance permit you also need an Indiana (not federal) endangered
> species permit. The latter is probably very hard to obtain.
> Chuck Norcutt
> Chris Crawford wrote:
>> In Indiana its a felony to shoot a rattlesnake!
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