Nope. Already been there. There were no plug changes on the router at
all. The router's WAN port to modem cable was unplugged and replugged
at the modem. IP addresses are clearly local as: 192.168.10.x where x
is 1, 2, 3 or 4 with 4 assigned to the laptop's radio link if it's active.
When I discovered the LAN wasn't working I reset the router, then later
powered it down and up and finally moved the cables from the computers
to alternate ports on the router. All with no effect. I have not tried
powering everything down and then back up sequentially as you suggest
but I'll try it.
Chuck Norcutt
Ken Norton wrote:
> You didn't plug the laptop into the WAN port of the router, did you?
> Pull up a dos prompt and do a ipconfig to see your ip address. All of
> the computers should be pulling a local private ip address usually
> starting as 10.x.x.x or 172.x.x.x addresses. If you haven't done so
> already, you should power EVERYTHING down and restart the modem, then
> the router and then the computers one at a time.
> Another thing to try after the above is to do a ipconfig /renew.
> AG
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