Don't be to careful, I mean, it's not a hammer, but... I've bought
mine used, and it was rather nice. since then I've managed to get a
tiny scratch on the prism hump and get the black parts on top brassed
just a bit. The colour finish holds very well (there was quite some
talk about here in the past). It got daily use as the "always with me
camera" and it still looks fine after 6 years.
And about the metering: I learned the light with this camera forcing
me in thinking manual and providing excellent feedback! But a 4T on
manual can do that just as well, but I flipped it way to often to
"auto :)"
2010/5/6 Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Actually, the fancy meter is probably the bit that interests me least!
>> (I am an incident metering kind of guy)
> You say that now....
> Just wait till the first time you spot-meter a high value, a low value and
> shove those two readings around on the scale until both land within the
> exposure range of your film.
> :)
> Incident is great (and I use it extensively--especially with a newly
> acquired L-508), but this multispot in manual mode is just beyond anything
> else out there. There is no comparison.
> I've been dealing with the conundrum of how to use the OM-3Ti. The one I
> have is in beautiful shape, but that means that I'm less likely to choose to
> use it in situations where it might get some wear. I want to take care of
> it, but at the same time, I don't want to be afraid of using it. However,
> when I know that knocks are likely, I'll definitely keep it in hiding--I've
> got two other cameras that have that patina of experience.
> That said, it did get a LOT of use this last week. :)
> AG
> --
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