Simple. Just tell the bride no purple flowers allowed. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
Ken Norton wrote:
> Smurf Moose wrote:
>> The problem is clear. The solution of going to an E-1 or to specific
>> films, not so attractive.
> Ah, but you might not want to. Not all Canon cameras are so afflicted with
> color blindness. Some are, some aren't. I'm not going to give you any hints,
> though as to whether yours is or isn't. If you haven't figured out the
> limitations of your camera by now, you never will. :)
> But I will say this--the classic 5D ain't no slouch.
> There is a more general solution available in post. Later version of PS
>> include a color match function, which was, I believe included for
>> exactly the sort of issues you are talking about. The problem of the
>> flowers and dress that should match are exactly what many color
>> production people have to control.
> You are absolutely right. However, here's the rub--it requires post
> processing with masking on each and every photograph that you need to
> correct. For the landscape/flower photographer, it's no big deal as the
> quantity of photos from any one session are not that great. But for the
> wedding photographer, we might be talking about 500 photographs that need to
> be corrected.
> At issue is that you cannot automate the process in many situations. The
> imager/film converted the lavender or purple flower to blue. But there are
> other blue objects in the same photograph. When you do a color match to
> correct for the flowers, the other objects will also shift. This forces us
> into masking.
> In nearly every case, with digital the shifting occurs due to a hyperactive
> IR cut filter on the sensor. Astronomy photographers are well aware of the
> cut wavelengths for nearly every camera and film out there.
> AG
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