At 1 meter the 20mm has a field of view that's about right for an upper
body portrait and, wide open at f/1.7, the DOF is about 130mm. The
17/2.8 at an equivalent field of view would be focused at 0.85 meter and
DOF at f/2.8 would be about 230mm.
Chuck Norcutt
Dawid Loubser wrote:
> Manual,
> All indications are that the Panasonic lens is far superior to the
> Zuiko, (of course viewing angle is a bit narrower) - it's 1.5 stops
> faster (as you note), seems much better optically, and at least makes
> some semblance of shallow DOF on Micro 4/3 possible when you shoot
> wide open.
> Lens "character" also looks pretty good, smooth out of focus areas,
> and bitingly sharp. It's a winner, if I ever got a M4/3 body I'd
> love the Panasonic 20/1.7 lens on it.
> regards, Dawid
> On 01 Mar 2010, at 7:34 PM, manuel viet wrote:
>> So I've got a bit of cash to spend, and I'm still torn between
>> those lenses. The viewing angle is pretty close, but there's 1,5
>> stop between them. And 100€, too (precisely the price of the VF-1
>> btw). Are 1,5 stop worth the expense? Oh, and one of them is not a
>> zuiko...
>> Every advice welcome.
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