> I was treated to that in a glider once - he dropped out of the top of
> a thermal without warning. I left my stomach behind up there and the
> rest of the flight was...difficult.
One day I was flying with my dad and it occurred to me that there was
absolutely nothing beneath me but a very very thin sheet of aluminum. Took
me a few minutes to get over that fact.
But between losing a couple feet of wingtip flying through trees on an
errant landing at the home airport and skating off the end of the Mackinaw
Island runway with a 25kt tailwind and passing through a chain-link fence
I'm good with flying upside down, stalls, spins and general upheaval--which
is what happened when flying on media day with a stunt flying team.
Doesn't mean that motion sickness meds aren't used, though.
Flew on a commuter flight one time right through the core of a thunderstorm.
THAT wasn't fun. Another flight on an L1011 lost a chunk of the tail in
another storm. I'm glad I don't fly as much as I used to.
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