Richard Man wrote:
> I have been using Vuescan for 7+ years. I know Vuescan pretty well. Thank you
> very much. When I was shooting 60 rolls a year, all of them were scanned
> using Vuescan.
> For most subjects, it work quite well, but for foliage, it's just weird. he
> B&W neg white balance is crap. I have tried "Generic Color" and "Kodak
> Tmax-Tmax400" (which is the film I use), and both look weird...
> There is something about this list. People just assume others are idiots or
> something.
Might I suggest that another way to look at it that folks here are
anxious to help. Sometimes, that may feel like they are being critical,
but that may not be, probably isn't, in my experience, their intent.
Personally, I learn new things here fairly often, even in areas where I
thought I was highly knowledgeable.
If you don't feel it is my intent to be helpful, please read no further.
I too have used VueScan for many years, perhaps for fewer rolls than
you, and certainly never for chromogenic B&W film, but for many images.
Sooo, I'd like to share some settings tips even though you may already
know them better than I. A strength of VS is its great range of
adjustments. A weakness is its great range of adjustments - and that how
they work sometimes changes as Ed continually updates it.
You mention that white balance is crap. I found that to be a problem
when using "Color balance: White balance" on the Color Tab. I almost
always use "Color balance: Neutral"
The "White point:" setting should be very low, probably 0.01 or less. I
think the VS default setting is 1%, which is way too high for many
images. The blown foliage highlights are what I would expect from a too
high white point %, if they aren't blown on the film itself. If that
makes the rest of the image too dark, I either adjust "Brightness:", to
raise the midtones, or wait to correct it in PS
Set cropping before color balance. Unfortunately, VS makes all its auto
adjustments based everything in the cropping frame. I'm assuming here
that, like color neg film, unexposed portions around the frame are a
bright mess in the preview.
I would try right clicking on a midtone part of the image and see if
that neutralizes any color cast.
A. Hopefully Helpful Moose
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