No, it's not Hobbesian, although I accept your point about the tendency to
behave as badly as it may. No group of people acts entirely rationally, nor
does any group of people act amorally for very long as there will always be a
check on such behaviour.
So the continuum is between the worst (in my judgement) and the best. All
groups of people are individual and the variation will probably tend to be
On 4 Dec 2009, at 09:26, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> That's my point - it only behaves in an ethical fashion if and while
> it is in its best interests to do so.
> If it is better to behave 'badly' at any point, in pursuit of profit,
> then it will do so. Sacking the entire, loyal, hardworking factory
> workforce and moving offshore is a perfect example.
> Well run? - depends on how you define that idea.
> It is not a continuum between good and bad - it is a fundamental
> principle of self-interest which underlies all.
> Very Hobbesian.
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