That's one end of a continuum, Andrew. It is generally recognised, in the UK
at least, that a healthy company remains profitable only if it takes into
account the needs of its stakeholders: the employee, the customer, the general
public et al. A well-run company doesn't tread on its employees.
A case in point is Ryanair; it treads on most people, but its success is pretty
fragile. I reckon that it will fail in the next couple of years because it
will have run out of customers to treat like dirt.
On 3 Dec 2009, at 21:09, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Bottom line - increase profit, dividend, yield - grow and stay healthy
> in a corporate sense. The duty is to the shareholder, not the employee
> or the customer - because the shareholder can hurt them directly and
> immediately.
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