Ken Norton wrote:
> Congrats, Sir Moose.
> That G11 is definitely a tempting camera. I'll pass on it for a couple of
> reasons, but I haven't found anything about it that I really don't like.
Well, it's certainly not a DSLR substitute for many uses. The
articulated LCD does make it actually better for others. The issue of a
"carry anywhere" camera is so very personal. Each person will have their
own equation of size, weight, cost, features, IQ, etc.
I sometimes wish I weren't so fussy about IQ, but I just know I wouldn't
be very happy with the several quite good cameras that are smaller,
lighter and have longer zoom ranges. I think I'm close posting some
images that illustrate the point.
At least I know going in that I'm willing to carry the size and weight
around a lot. The weight is speced as the same and the volume is about
the same, although differently shaped. The old adage is still true; the
camera with me is better than the one at home. I've certainly captured
many images that greatly please me with my "pocket" digicams over the years.
I probably wouldn't even have replied, but I just got the tracking info.
The phone gateway is coming out of Kentucky, as I expected, but the G11
is out of Nevada, and is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Won't even
have to board an airplane. Oo, Oo, Oo!
Moose likes new toys ...
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: