Thank you, Joel.
I appreciate the info on Master vs. Studio.
I am unable to get the ORFs to open directly into the RAW converter of
Master 2 from FastStone, but they do open in th editor and then I can
click on the RAW button on the top tool bar.
I agree with you that it would be most helpful to be able to save
settings or a set of development preferences in Master 2.
And, like you, I am very happy with the ease of setting up folders and
directories using FastStone.
Joel Wilcox wrote:
> Hi Candace,
> Your question prompted me to try to do something I've meant to do for
> some time. I tried to see if I could use FastStone to open an ORF
> file directly into Master's RAW converter. I can get this to happen
> with Studio2 just fine, and after updating Master to the latest and
> greatest version, I can get it to open in Master2 as well. It is not
> quite as smooth as the transition into Studio2 and the interface in
> Master is gee-whiz compared to the more Lightroom-ish Studio2. I like
> Studio2 better, but that might also be just what I'm used to now.
> (The current Master v.2 interface is much better than the old Master
> v.1.) In practice, the RAW converter part of Studio and Master seems
> almost identical in operation. It provides the dialogues which mirror
> proprietary camera settings like "gradation," custom WB settings in
> the camera, etc., which is what Studio2 does as well.
> Master is an essential program, for me, for one reason only: it seems
> to work better than Studio2 to connect the camera for firmware
> updates. It's not like you need that all of the time, but when you
> need it, you really need it.
> When Studio2 is configured as an external editing program in FS, ORF
> files open in an editing window in Studio2. It is important the first
> time you work with Studio2, however, to run through all of the options
> and make sure to set up PS or whatever as the registered editor. If
> you have color management profiles (for the monitor especially), you
> can identify those, too. Same with Master.
> I have found that when I use FS to open an ORF in Studio2, I am able
> to perform the few functions I want performed in RAW conversion and
> simply click X to close Studio2. It then provides a dialogue prior to
> saving the file and asks what to do when the file is saved. This
> dialogue allows me to select the quality of file I want saved (16-bit
> TIFF) and what I want it to do after closing (open the registered
> editor). I make those selections (I wish it were possible to register
> or save my "save" routine, but I can't, so it requires a few clicks
> each time) and then click "Save" and PS opens with the TIFF file ready
> for further editing.
> Master doesn't seem to be able to transition as neatly into PS.
> Instead, you have to save the TIFF and close the RAW converter. You
> will be in the browser at that point and can just click the TIFF
> version to open it and it will launch PS (or whatever) at that point.
> My routine from there is to work the TIFF file in PS, convert down to
> 8-bit and save to jpg. I save the jpg to a separate folder from the
> TIFF and ORF files. I don't mind having the TIFF file alongside the
> ORF file temporarily. I come back to the folder in FastStone later
> and mark the TIFFs for deletion and, theoretically, move the related
> ORF file into an archive. Filenames for ORF, TIFF, and jpg are the
> same other than the extension. FastStone makes this sort of folder
> cleanup pretty easy
> Studio2's shortcomings for me are in not providing a way to load a
> file of saved settings. For example, I use some settings in the
> camera that I never mean to carry over into raw conversion. I used to
> use the "auto" setting in Gradation and would usually always change it
> to "normal" in the RAW conversion. Same thing with +2 sharpening
> settings which I would then turn off in conversion. It would be nice
> to be able to load a file with my standard settings for RAW
> conversion. I don't do batch conversions (though I certainly could),
> but it might be a good feature to have in that case too.
> Joel W.
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