Moose, I, and I am sure many list members, share your views. You have
a calm and
balanced outlook upon relationships, and I like to think I do also,
and I am sure that
Ken, who seems to have rocked your boat enough to prompt you to write
your long
message, also does - deep down inside.
Some people are sensitive for certain things, others are not. It's all
dictated by our
life experience. For example, calm as my life outlook may be, I have
to admit to
finding it very difficult to remain neutral on racial issues (as but
one example), because
I as a caucasian have been at the receiving end of crime by the hand
of black men
fourteen times (yes, I counted) since 2002. Two of those were life
threatening, with
either guns pressed against me and my wife's (fiancée at the time)
head, or with us
being attacked in our home while sleeping, with threats to kill/rape/
Now, even though I rationally know that I should not let this affect
my outlook on
certain other races, it's very difficult, because the human being is a
being, with instinct coming first, and rational thought later.
Now, I do not let my issues on this matter affect, for example, my
postings on this
wonderful and quirky mailing list, because it would be unpleasant, and
probably get me
kicked out. However, I do believe that Ken's stereotyping on all
matters (be it marital
relationships, or film vs digital) is part of the playful banter and
spirit of this
odd grouping of people across the globe.
In short, chill man. I am sure he meant no harm. I know that is for
him to say, but as an
outsider to your conversation, I see it as harmless, and I am sure
that I represent at
least part of the typical feeling on this matter by other list members.
Let's value each other's quirks, no?
On 17 Nov 2009, at 8:21 AM, Moose wrote:
> Yes, I know you didn't intend any actual comment on Dawid's wife, but
> used her in an attempt at more general humor about wife stereotypes. I
> had dropped this, but as you continue, I appear to be goadable. ---
<loooong snip>
> I guess what I can't understand is why anyone would persist in
> habits of
> relationship behavior that cause anxiety, stress and unhappiness. Life
> is, or can be, too pleasant a ride to do that, for me.
> Moose
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