Thank you SwissPace for the experiments - it makes me aware that I
should use filters more.
Bien cordialement de Metz
Philippe, who prefers the fountain in portrait mode.
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>Sorry, I meant to add that I preferred the landscape shot.
>Chuck Norcutt
>Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>>Cat without filter can be turned into cat with filter by using the PS
>>levels command. Move both the shadow and midtone sliders slightly to
>>the right... not much... just about the width of the pointers
>>themselves. Hitting it with LCE will do much more if desired.
>>Chuck Norcutt
>>SwissPace wrote:
>>>I really should have waited until this morning instead of rushing to
>>>send some emails last night, so I will try again today.
>>>I received one of the normal information emails from Singh Ray filters
>>>(which I get after purchasing one from them) and it described with
>>>pictures one digital photographer using his vario filter (combined ND
>>>and polarising) to get better colours in his images. In addition to
>>>this I was interested by Chuck's comments on shooting with high iso
>>>and flash, so I experimented with that and noted that I could get
>>>reasonable results up to 1250 iso but certainly fine at 800 so I set
>>>the ND part to minimum and tried some shots.
>>>Obviously all shots are as they came from aperture with no processing
>>>by me.
>>>Here I loved the colours but couldn't decide between portrait
>>>or landscape
>>>all but the 180/2 shots were taken with this filter attached which I
>>>feel HAS improved the colour
>>>next I was interested in the arguments of those who prefer post
>>>processing to that provided by a filter, I am sure you could tone down
>>>the highlights post but the filter certainly makes it easier for the
>>>cat with filter
>>>and cat without
>>>Just thought some of you might be interested.
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