My dad had a torn retina and scleral buckle. Read my earlier response
and you'll see that cataract removal is truly a piece of cake relative
to your scleral buckle. Not even close.
Chuck Norcutt
Michael Collins wrote:
> On 11/8/09 7:39 PM, Russ Butler wrote:
>> Modern medicine notwithstanding, it must be/have been incredibly scary
>> to have your eyes messed with.
> Indeed. I had minor surgery the other year to repair a retinal detachment
> (minor detachment, corrected with a scleral buckle - not fully around the
> eye, but localised), and there are two points when you really wonder. First
> when you drift out of the anaesthesic haze and realise the eye is packed and
> bandaged shut. And scarier - when the bandage and packing is being removed
> and you're wondering if sight is going to return, and if there's any
> impairment.
> On a lesser scale is Nd:YAG laser treatment (cauterisation, I suppose) for
> retinal tears. Massive green light as if there's been a thermonuclear
> explosion in the room, and a weird and disconcerting stinging feeling
> somewhere deep behind the eye, and then it takes many minutes before sight
> slowly returns to normal.
> Yahoo indeed for the first eye. Best wishes for tomorrow's procedure, Chuck.
> Michael
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