Jez Cunningham wrote:
> Hi,
> Ideas / advice please?
> So is anyone else trying the beta or can offer advice on LR? (I know
> Nathan's a fan...)
> tia
> jez
I'm running 2.5 and trying the Beta of 3 now. The rendering is better in
3, no question, the colour noise reduction tool is also vastly improved.
If they can do similar things with the luminance noise, it'd be great.
There are many ways to access your images, the database is excellent and
seems to be quicker in 3, even on the old machine (I'm running a trial
on a new quad-core Win7 machine as well). I haven't actually used
another programme for photos for over a year. I love it.
I don't know if they'll be incorporating the new development engine in
ACR next time, but it does seem to be faster and better.
I'm a Mac, but I'm happy with my PC.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: