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Re: [OM] Got a stupid questions

Subject: Re: [OM] Got a stupid questions
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 07:35:25 -0400
I can't speak for others, but I print on matte paper exclusively.  
Haven't done glossy in years, and probably won't. Matte has two  
advantages for me: 1) it gives a smooth, easy surface for the image to  
lie on, and 2) it doesn't add an extra layer of reflectivity behind  
glass. I think it's probably the latter rather than the former that  
keeps me with matte. I just don't like the way glossy prints look  
behind glass. _Most_ of the work I've seen in big-time galleries and  
museums, etc., has been on matte surfaces. Fine art types who roll  
their own tend toward the more expensive fine-art papers, which give a  
better rendition than the more run-of-the-mill surfaces. I know  
because I sprung for a roll of Epson Ultra Smooth Fine Art paper a  
while back. It cost more, but the image it holds is noticeably better  
than the image on my more customary Epson Premium Matte.

As to the copy work, there are a number of photogs, or at least there  
were, who make pretty good money doing copy work for artists. Scanners  
have thinned the herd a bit. If she can find an old-school guy to  
shoot her work, she shouldn't hesitate. He or she will do it right,  
give good color balance, etc. But the others on the list are right  
that properly scanned, she'll likely get better results. The whole  
trick is to realize from the git-go that she's going to spend some  
money getting what she wants, and to go ahead and spend it up front  
rather than mess around relying on a friend of a friend who has a good  
scanner, etc.

--Bob Whitmire
"Art's just fart without the eff."

On Oct 27, 2009, at 10:48 PM, Willie Wonka wrote:

> I am looking at the pictures from my childhood and find myself  
> attracted more towards the one printed on a matte paper.
> The pictures I liked in museums were always printed on matte paper.
> I really havent seen prints from "big artists" in a museum.  What  
> paper are they printed on?
> Why is glossy paper more popular?

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