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Re: [OM] Here you go, E-5 Viewfinder

Subject: Re: [OM] Here you go, E-5 Viewfinder
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 09:17:58 -0500
> I'm excited about this.  The functionality of the Mynolta A1 with its
> EVF is excellent.  The only problem with the A1 is the resolution is too
> low.  This and the follow-on products will solve that.

I'm still puzzled why the A2's EVF was only seen in the A2. It had the pixel
density and the camera still holds its own quite well.

The thing I like best about the A1's EVF is that screen brightness
> tracks the exposure in manual mode...

This is a setting in the menus.  For my complete list of recommended
settings for the A1/A2, see the following webpage:


There are many things to really really like about the A1/A2. The shutter-lag
is enough to drive you to drink and the induced RF noise on the sensor is
sometimes problematic, but the lens is simply amazing. The images are very
detailed in comparison to other similar spec'd cameras too.  The handling of
the camera is also very refined.

I spent months researching cameras before buying the A1 and don't regret it
in the least.  Because of the A1 I'm still interested in the Minolta/Sony

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