Yes they are. They are faster, and more reliable. Yeah they won't fit
into most laptops, but you could always transfer direct from the camera,
or buy one of the multi card readers. If your laptop is anything like my
wife's Lenovo, the transfer direct from the camera is no slower than the
internal card reader, and a multi card reader is much faster! When you
factor in that the CF cards are faster than the xD cards the difference
is even more significant.
When I bought the E-620 I just used my CF cards from my Nik*n and didn't
even bother with an xD card.
Jim Couch
Philippe Amard wrote:
> Thanks Jim,
> it explains things about the xD, a lot ...
> Is CF much better? they're so huge and don't fit into laptops either BTW
> phx
> Jim Couch wrote:
>> xD cards are also a lot slower in camera, and will actually slow down
>> writing while shooting (particularly in raw.) xD cards are not available
>> in larger capacities. For even more reasons to not use xD cards check
>> here: Wrotniak feels very
>> strongly about the xD cards, the article is titled: The xD-Picture Card
>> Abomination!
>> Jim Couch
>> Philippe Amard wrote:
>>> Question : Why I should use CF rather than xD ?
>>> I know the latter cards are slow to download on the computer, but they
>>> are so much easier to handle and store (and lose?).
>>> TIA
>>> Phx (whose Pana SDs seem to be faster than Oly xDs)
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