As others will likely say, DO NOT buy from Cambridge World. Their
descriptions are very optimistic and returns can be tricky with them. I once
bought a "mint" 250mm f2 from them that looked like it had been taken apart
with a butter knife(!) and had been packed with air pillows in a box only
just long enough for it. Thankfully I was able to get my money back.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Wong
Subject: Re: [OM] [WTB] Lidicolset 66 set for Durst M370 Easy Color
It's another bad news to me as replied by Durst AG as below:-
Dear Mr. Wong,
As such "old" units are no longer available here in Mother Company
I have a proposal for you.
Please have a look on the homepage
Durst Phototechnik AG
Oh! My god! Seems no second choice other than to call cambridgeworld.com >_<
Should I give up my M370 enlarger?
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