Thanks, Richard. That looks like a strange pastime, but I bet it
sounds good. The actors and players all look as if they are enjoying
themselves, but my favourite is 7826; there is something really sexy
about the dynamism ... and the legs :-)
On 10 Oct 2009, at 09:16, Richard Man wrote:
> Last weekend, I spent 3 days shooting 4 Taiko concerts - the 2nd
> annual Meigetsu (Harvest Moon) festival. Each concert is different,
> with may be a dozen groups altogether. ISO1600, 1/40 @F2 is not
> uncommon. I just keep remembering Ted Grant's words - "if you can see
> it, you can shoot it." I shot ~6000 frames, for the performers, I
> culled them down to ~1200. Obviously the complete set is only of
> interest to the performers.
> I culled 72 of my favorites. Perhaps you would enjoy them:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: