Can't complain about those.
Chuck Norcutt
Moose wrote:
> Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> Then you should try a Canyon 5D and Adobe Camera Raw instead!
>> Technology has moved on.
> Yes. And yet ... The 300D has worked very well with ACR from the
> beginning. I have many favorite images from it. As is so often the case,
> time, place, subject and light are unique and I can't "top" them with
> the 5D later, even in the same place. For example, we returned to Steep
> Falls this trip. The flow and light were different. I got some nice
> images, but they will add something different to some of the previous
> 300D images, rather than replacing them.
> <>
> I've never much liked Canon's RAW converter, DPP, but that may be at
> least in part because I have hardly used it, so don't know it. In
> Canon's favor, the software that comes with their camera is extensive,
> stable, well written in the technical sense, and includs things like an
> app for tethered operation and endless upgrades are free.
> I had the opportunity to shoot a couple of images with my lens on a
> 5DII. To convert the RAW images, I simply downloaded the latest DPP.
> I still have my 300D, it still works fine and is along for the ride as
> back-up.
> Moose
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