You think? Yes I know Clarkson is an irritating fascist p***k (that's
what 'prat' is a euphemic for, like 'ass' for arse) but he is funny
and so I forgive.
It's right - the real green alternative is a small, older car driven
conservatively and properly serviced, not some 'technology can fix
it' heap of nonsense. Always has been. Electric cars? - around here,
electricity is not a clean process but rather an unpleasant, dirty
and efficient one.
People fixate on just one aspect such as the amount of petrol used or
what's coming out of the tail pipe and forget all the other stuff
that is less obvious. I suspect that my ancient Pajero ('86) is more
environmentally sound than my wife's little Toyota because it runs on
gas (LPG) and it hasn't been replaced.
The only real problem I have with Top Gear is that those guys are
having far too much fun and getting paid a lot to do it. Massively
entertaining. My brother-in-law in France watches it fascinated
because he's never seen anyone describe a new Renault as a steaming
heap of excrement (I think that's what he said). And, hey, let's drag
race a Bugatti Veyron, run a train into something, race double-decker
buses, whatever. Great show.
Andrew Fildes
On 02/10/2009, at 2:11 AM, Jez Cunningham wrote:
> I still like this from Top Gear
> v=dKTOyiKLARk
> (even tho' some of it is questionable)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: