thanks for your mail. Well yes it seems like I'll be in traveling
within two weeks from now I guess I will be to early.
1 okt 2009 kl. 03.08 skrev Jeff Keller:
> If you are traveling soon your timing probably isn't very good.
> Towards LA
> there are some very nice springtime flower spots. I've seen fantastic
> springtime photos from Gorman. (similar to
> )
> The California Poppy Preserve is surely far from its peak and located
> significantly east of 5 but ...
> There are good migratory bird spots out in the central valley but
> you're too
> early. Gray Lodge which is too far north is pretty unattractive most
> of the
> year but when the geese are there it can be pretty amazing.
> I headed south a couple years ago to check out some of the wildlife
> areas
> near Los Banos hoping they would be like Gray Lodge. My timing was
> off and
> it was very disappointing. At the right time of the right year many
> of the
> wildlife areas can be very worthwhile but otherwise about as
> attractive as
> semi-abandoned farm land.
> The DFG website at will
> give you
> some names of places to look up.
> Guessing from your comments you'll be in Kern County
> chtext=Kern
> or Fresno County (which only has Millerton Lake listed under state
> parks so
> maybe street photography?)
> chtext=Fresno
> Your trip is probably too early for fall colors nor does California
> come to
> mind when you think fall colors.
> In addition to Jim's mention of Yosemite, King's Canyon is good
> whenever you
> can get into it. It doesn't take much hiking to get high into the
> Sierras.
> But "not far or reasonable drive" by California standards often
> includes a
> 200 mile radius. ;-)
> Jeff Keller
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Malmström [mailto:jmalmstrom@xxxxxxx]
> So I guess I'm back in the loop after standing aside for 8 months.
> Seems like I'm going to California, half way between LA and SF along
> the Interstate 5 is nothing and that is where I'm wanted.
> Anybody in the region? Any thing to see? Birding spots maybe?
> / Johan
> --
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