Ver nice - no they're not overdone in this aRGB loaded CRT :-) In
fact, it seems HK benefits from a Velvia mood.
Did you use VelviaVision from Fred Miranda?
Did so with this blossoming peach trees, a bunch of pink ones but a
single white one in the middle.
300mm ƒ/4,5 @ ƒ/4,5, OM 4 on Auto mode. Povia 100F.
VelviaVision renders better results when I use it on scanned Velvia
50, on Provia 100F one must be very careful.
Hope you like it, C.H. - if you don't like this particular one I have
several other frames with the white specimen following the 'sectio
aurea' rule ;-)
.......... opinions welcome.
2009/9/28 C.H.Ling <ch_photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Shot with OM 35-105mm/3.5-4.5, 5D II, special process for Velvia mood, hope
> there was no overdone :-)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: