Only on his day off.
Eccles was from Melbourne of course but the key is that Spike
Milligan's mother lived in Woy Woy just north of Sydney (I think, but
it's possible that Spike just made Woy Woy up). Obviously, Eccles was
either the model for Eccles or the Goon Eccles was a manifestation of
the 'World 3' of Popper and Eccles' trialist conception of the world.
As Eccles the scientist was a devout god-botherer, he could not
reject dualism in favour of monist physicalism but had to agree with
Popper. In fact, I suspect that Descartes was a bit three-way too as
he saw the process of mind as separate from Mind itself.
So, in a very real sense, Eccles is Milligan every bit as much as
Milligan is Eccles apart from the fact that Milligan is
unfortunately, er, dead. Very. As are Bloodknock and Gritpipe-Thynne.
So is Eccles of course (1997, aged 94). Of course, all three (or 4 or
17) of them still inhabit the third intermediary world within the
mind-body problem despite the death of their first level personal
components. In fact, discussing identity problems when considering
the Goons leads to some serious existential crises - several at once.
Isn't that right Dennis?
Now, did you get all that? - there'll be a test next week.
Or possibly not.
Andrew Fildes
On 20/09/2009, at 7:06 PM, Wayne Harridge wrote:
>> ------------------------ well, you should find out - IIRC, Eccles
>> lived in Australia ;-)
> Wasn't he one of the Goons ?
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