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Re: [OM] Leica wedding questions, was: E-P1 review

Subject: Re: [OM] Leica wedding questions, was: E-P1 review
From: Sandy Harris <sandyinchina@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 21:54:27 +0800
On 9/10/09, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>  The 35-80 is THE lens to use when one camera is the primary or when you are
>  shooting dual format (BW and Color, or Film and Digital). It is an amazing
>  lens, for sure, and has the advantage of really covering both the
>  wide-normal and the long-normal/near-telephoto in a single lens.  When the
>  camera is combined with a flash, I'd much prefer the zoom.

How does the Zuiko 14-35 F2 fit in that role? Seems to me that would
be just about the ideal lens for wedding photography. That & an E3
would be less than an M9.

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A: Top-posting.
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