It is called a "Cicada Killer". I photographed one a year or so ago. They
paralyze the cicada and drag it into their underground nest and use it to
nourish their larvae.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hermanson" <omtech1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Noisy Insect
>I once saw a cicada on it's back being stung by a big wasp..... I hate
> wasps.......I think there is a specific type of wasp that goes after the
> cicada.
> ___________________________________
> John Hermanson | CPS, Inc.
> 21 South Ln., Huntington NY 11743
> 631-424-2121 |
> Olympus OM Service since 1977
> Gallery:
> Clay Nichols wrote:
>> Cicadas on the ground usually mean that they are in the process of
>> checking out and/or that they will become a meal real soon. After the
>> periodic mass emergences that Charlie spoke of, so many cicadas die off
>> at one time that their decaying bodies become a significant source of
>> fertilizer for the host tree; carcasses piled up inches deep. You still
>> might be able to go out to your local tree/bush around dusk/dark and
>> watch a cicada climb the tree, split its casing (ecdysis), crawl out,
>> hang upside down for a while, then pull itself right side up the pump up
>> its beautifully translucent wings. A great evening out in your yard with
>> your camera and maybe your favorite beverage.
>> Clay
>> PS I ain't summer with out the deafing buzz.
>>>>> "Jim Nichols" <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 09/03/09 1:22 PM >>>
>> That seems to be the consensus.
>> Jim Nichols
>> Tullahoma, TN USA
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Donald" <d1956m198d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> To: "Olympus Camera Discussion"
>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:19 PM
>> Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Noisy Insect
>>> Jim Nichols wrote:
>>>> I came across this noisy insect on my way to the mail box this morning.
>>>> I have not yet established his identity. Can anyone help identify this
>>>> fellow? I should have stopped down further, but he was not cooperative.
>>>> Feedback appreciated.
>>>> Jim Nichols
>>>> Tullahoma, TN USA
>>> Cicada?
>>> D.
>>> --
>>> I'm a Mac, but I'm happy with my PC.
>>> --
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