Ken Norton wrote:
> The scary thing about the S90 is that both the Moose and me could actually
> end up agreeing and buying this camera.
> Worlds would collide.
I think we, and the worlds, are safe. I think the G11 & S90 are a
terrific combo market punch, Especially if than can deliver in quantity,
while Panny has had trouble keeping the channel filled with the LX3 and
As you can guess from my last couple of posts, I find the articulated
screen to be a HUGE benefit. I almost never use it simply parked against
the back of the camera. In addition to simply allowing all sorts of
angles that would otherwise require gymnastics, ladders, etc., it's
great fun as a candid taker. I can take pictures behind me!
> I'll probably end up chickening out, as usual. It doesn't quite fit in my
> plan of world-domination with a unified system of cameras and lenses...
My plan is a unified system for everything but the pocket/belt camera.
Until someone invents an interchangeable lens camera where the lenses
collapse into the body, I'll want a high end camera in this vein.
I'm actually in pretty good shape right now. 5D with 17-35, 50/1.8,
28-300 IS and 90/2.8 macro covers a LOT of photographic ground and and I
have a wide array of MF lenses with adapters for specialty uses. The
A650 is a great little(ish) carry everywhere camera.
Still ... If Canon delivers on the G11 potential, I'll be in danger ...
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