Forgive me oh entities of engineering excellent, for I have
diverged and taken the path of darkness and bought a Canon.
31 Oly body's V's 1 Canon, were will this lead ?
I cant afford a parallel addiction, hmm, I'm not addicted, I
just want to preserve to enlighten those in the future, that sounds
good so I'll stick to that story.
A wise man once told me that the best time to repent is during
those first few steps, so this I must do, and leave that evil place
called eboy and set my sights on reality and life.
Actually it won't lead far caz I aint got no Canon len's but maybe
before I leave the eboy I should.... Na, be strong and close that tab.
The Canon's just dont compare.
So the Canon must go to a friend of mine, redemption is
the path I seek, so Nine Inch Nails is taken out and Tangerine
Dream is played to ensure I remain on the path of bright
viewfinders and whimsical scenes.
I'd better put that bottle of whiskey away to ;o)
Ian Manners
Printout - A document to verify data you know is wrong anyway.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: