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Re: [OM] OM shutter Cocked or Uncocked

Subject: Re: [OM] OM shutter Cocked or Uncocked
From: Fernando Gonzalez Gentile <fgnzalez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 09 Aug 2009 23:23:11 -0300
I used to do so, just because it makes more sense to leave the camera 

But then I started to use Winders .... they leave the shutter cocked, 
you may well know.

So, when one of them is loaded, shutter will be left cocked; when empty, 

I have rarely missed a frame for this reason. Surprising, isn't it?
I've lost frames due to different circumstances ... long stories.


Ken Norton wrote:
> In reality, I've rarely ever left the camera cocked for long.

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