Thanks. Although I had never heard of an "autostereoscopic display" it
turns out that there are and have been many of them on the market.
Chuck Norcutt
DrT (George Themelis) wrote:
>> So, how does the 8" viewer work?
> I believe it is a so-called "autostereoscopic display". You can see stereo
> without glasses. Like "lenticular postcards", prints made from the
> Nimslo/Nishika (and other) stereo cameras (with 3 or 4 lenses), or some
> laptop 3D displays.
> I have not seen yet. It might be OK as a starting point for the general
> public, but the depth is limited and dependent on the distance and
> orientation of your head with respect to the "viewer"/screen/print.
> The stereo viewing experience is best if each image is sent to the
> corresponding eye using lenses, or polarizing glasses, or a similar method
> that complete separates the right and left images. It is possible to
> extract the two images from this camera so people can use other viewing
> methods.
> George
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