Should be as you say, Moose. I do recall the same about the MD caps for
the 1 and 2 models.
And I do recall what you say about making a regular 49 ->72 adapter to
fit a 18/3,5
Cannot be too difficult or expensive - I don't have a 18/3,5, but when I
bought my black OM 1n from a guy who appeared here for a short while, he
was selling the original adapter alone. I bought it, and passed it along
to the only one in Montevideo who is a proud owner of a 18/3,5. He
promised to lend it to me if I happened to need it. I'm waiting for that
need to occur :-)
Moose wrote:
> Fernando Gonzalez Gentile wrote:
>> Indeed, but this is the first one in which the idea of building one has been
>> raised ...
> I'm not so sure about that. I seem to recall someone floating the idea
> of getting Joe Beljan or another machinist to run off a small batch.
> Certainly I recall the idea of sanding or grinding down the outside of
> the rear thread area on a regular adapter being discussed. I don't
> recall anyone reporting either attempt or success.
> Moose
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