Assuming the eSIF image is to scale, it would appear that the back side
of the filter must rise about 7mm above the plane of the end of the 49mm
filter threads in order to clear the front element. Step-up rings are
available from 49 -> 52, 55, 58, 62, 67, 72 (and even 77). It would
seem that this could be constructed from 2 or 3 separate rings.
This has to have been discussed here 100 times before but I don't recall
the outcome.
Chuck Norcutt
Olaf Iwert wrote:
> Dear all,
> Is there anyone out there who could supply me with a (brandnew) step up
> ring for an OM System Zuiko 18mm lens ?
> If noone has a hardware part, it would be very instructive to get a
> drawing of this part in order to verify how one could build one.....
> The second Iwert on the list
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