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Re: [OM] Moose goes Mad! [was Image Storage on the Road]

Subject: Re: [OM] Moose goes Mad! [was Image Storage on the Road]
From: "Jim Nichols" <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 21:53:31 -0500
Thanks for the comparison, Moose.  If our physical conditions allowed such 
wanderings, I guess I might change my habits.  Enjoy good health while you 
have it.  We enjoyed a lot of things, but I sometimes look back and wish we 
had done more at the time.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Moose" <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 7:33 PM
Subject: [OM] Moose goes Mad! [was Image Storage on the Road]

> Jim Nichols wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> You must download a LOT of images.  With my normal use, I never have more 
>> that 20 images at any one time.
> On vacation to scenic spots, it's not been unusual for me to take
> 150-200 shots in a day. Last month, I hit a high point*, taking 349
> images on one day - I had to switch to a second 4GB card during the day.
> Most of them were during a lengthy and very enjoyable wander on a beach.
> there were just so many wonderful subjects that caught my attention. It
> may sound weird, but I think seeing everything, from landscape to tiny
> detail, through the eye of an image maker helped me "see" and enjoy the
> area more than I would have simply wandering without camera.
> Differently, at least, and I had a great day.
> Fortunately, Carol is disposed to wander and enjoy places a slow
> length,so we aren't at odds about time. She also likes having a smart
> camera called Moose. She can just tell it what strikes her fancy and it
> takes care of capturing the image. :-)
> Overall on that three night trip, from first image to last was just over
> 75 hours, in which I took 784 shots. Was that overkill? I don't know. I
> do know that I throughly enjoyed myself and am very pleased with most of
> the images.
>> For me, the Adobe Downloader works just fine.  I connect the camera to 
>> the USB port, turn the camera on and press ok.  The software allows me to 
>> select a folder or create a new folder any place I want it, and then 
>> quickly downloads the images. One more click and the images are deleted 
>> from the camera card.
> When I get to the computer, I stick the card(s) into the reader, click
> on the camera software, and ask it to download them. It creates
> directories on the fly as needed and only downloads images not already
> downloaded.
>> At 79, one must take advantage of any shortcuts available.  Time is 
>> precious.;-)
> All the more reason to prefer a fast card and reader.  ;-)
> Moose
> * Low point to AG, the ascetic photographer. :-)
> -- 
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