Hmm reminds me of a journey to portugal a long time ago in the early
80's on a motorbike that kept breaking down, after spending 8 hours in
portugal I decided that if I was not (or at least my jota) to be pushed
over a cliff then I had better head home so I waved bye to all and
headed back to blighty, leaving the others to carry on with their
holiday, I think I had been riding for 30minutes before I realised that
I hadn't a clue which direction I should go and that I didn't have a map
or enough cash, so I had to turn around and find the group again to
borrow a map, there was of course much more to the journey but that
would take too long to tell here, The journey is still talked about to
this day!
I have managed to almost successfully circumnavigate the "magic
roundabout" in swindon though.
> wrong to set off on a long journey not knowing the ground equivalent,
> Roadmanship, perhaps.
> Chris
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: