Chris Barker wrote:
> I like your story, and Bob's and Chuck's, so you can keep your satnavs, but
> only if you promise to continue using them responsibly :-)
Here's another story I'll call "Electronics and Grace"
We were in SF with a friend from Maine. We'd had a great day, but now
had some time to kill, before taking her to the airport. First, we went
to Grace Cathedral to walk the labyrinth. Then, what to do for dinner?
One of us remembered that Chris and Brandi had raved about a restaurant
in Chinatown (which they navigated with a GPS). So Carol called Chris in
Seattle (cell to cell phones). He gave her the name, we entered it into
the GPS, which then guided us right to the restaurant.
One drive round the block found a parking place across the street.
Jennifer and I went to the end of the longish line on the sidewalk while
Carol went to get us on the list. Before we could reach the end of the
line, Carol called to us. We were the only party of three in line and
were immediately seated at the odd little table for three in the corner
where we could watch the kitchen action. Almost zero atmosphere,
wonderful food.
To echo and add to what other have said:
- The whole map and plan thing it pretty restrictive. I'll proudly admit
it, I'm not fully "willing to plan my way". Carol and I have always
tended to wander in unexpected ways when traveling. We've had some quite
magical experiences doing that. There are places we return to that we
would never have known about otherwise. With the GPS, it's not
necessarily more possible, but definitely easier, with less chance of
those uncomfortable wanders through the dark on unmarked roads with a
gas tank approaching empty.
- The GPS isn't just a map, it's a list of places one may want to visit,
including restaurants and places to stay. Again, an aid to spontaneity
and enhanced travel enjoyment.
- I almost never look at it while driving. A pleasant voice lets me know
when a turn is coming, giving street name and direction, then again when
it's time to turn. In my opinion, this is much safer than listening to
someone wrestling with a map say something like "Next left, oh no (as I
am starting to turn the wheel), that's not the right street name, must
be the next one, (honk, hink behind us) or maybe we passed it."
- As with a map, I can enter a route or routes and destinations before
setting out.
- So far, and as far as I can see ahead, trips that require the GPS
also involve a travel companion who can operate the GPS when needed.
- It's a real asset when roads are closed or jammed. Just turn off, wait
for Rhonda (Help me Rhonda, Help, help me Rhonda ...) to recalculate.
Even if she says to U-turn, that's information I wouldn't have had until
much farther down the wrong track. I've always been good at finding my
way. I found my way around a serious traffic hold up due to road works
in Maine last trip, pre GPS. Still, I'm a man not afraid to ask for
directions - at least from Rhonda. ;-)
> More seriously, my Boss reckons that he is perfectly capable of using a
> mobile phone while driving ("I'm used to using up to 7 radios in a C-130) but
> thinks that satnavs are dangerously distracting. I might just have to
> explain the ways of the world to him some day.
I've not set up our GPS as hands free phone, although it's supposed to
do that. If it does dim the display, it wouldn't matter, as I'm
listening to it, not watching it. Again, I have a companion to do any
necessarily calling or use my Buletooth earpiece.
> And equally seriously, my sister-in-law uses a satnav because she cannot
> navigate; she never knows where she is. It's possible that she and her
> Landrover Discovery are a road safety nightmare ...
I'm not convinced. With preset destination(s) and a good talking GPS,
she should be safer while on the road - and on the road less time. ONce
on has been many places, the GPS remembers them, and returning to them,
even from different starting points, is easy.
All that said, they aren't perfect. The one Chris was using wehn driving
us in our car in SF took him down Market St. - slooooow, then sadi to
tiun left into a one way street the wrong way. Then again, when we
declined and turned right instead, it happily reouted us in a way that
got us where we were going. Mine has so far not led us astray.
I'll admit we seldom use it, but it's already far more than repaid the $100.
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