C.H.Ling wrote:
> No, it is almost exactly the same shape as the original 28-48 hood (I have
> one).
> From: "Chuck Norcutt"
>> Doesn't the 35/2 hood vignette at 28mm?
I think what you may be missing is that the geometry depends on the
distance from the front node of the lens to the mounting point of the
hood, not hood geometry alone.
Thus one hood for 50/1.8/1.4, 35/2.8 and 35-70/3.5-4.5, one hood for
40mm/F2, 85mm/F2, 100mm/F2.8, one for 90mm/F2 and 135mm/F4.5, one for
21mm/F3.5 and 35mm/F2.8 Shift.
Yup, 40mm and 100 mm lenses share the same hood. Obviously, the pancake
design of the 40/2 puts the front node in the same place relative to the
filter threads as the tele design of the 100/2.8
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