"Hordes" is the correct term. Our friends have 6 children each with
their own families. The grandchildren range in age from about 20 years
to only 3 weeks. Neighbors and even neighbors' friends continually come
and go. In addition to the continuous picnic for lunch and dinner on
Sunday, breakfast is also served for family and close friends on
Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Whew!
In the main bathroom there are guest towels which say: "Guest towels
are for use by guests. Others must use their clothes" and "Guests of
guests may not bring guests" :-)
Chuck Norcutt
Bob Whitmire wrote:
> On May 26, 2009, at 4:39 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> <http://www.chucknorcutt.com/Glendenning%27s_Garden/>
> Ah, sweet tranquility! I'll be the scene was a little different when
> the hordes arrived.
> --Bob Whitmire
> www.bwp33.com
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