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Re: [OM] Dog cropping?

Subject: Re: [OM] Dog cropping?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 14:20:39 -0700
John Hermanson wrote:
> I went to the center one first. 

Left, medium crop - 2.5
Middle, close crop - 7
Right, full frame - 2.5

Looks like I arranged them in a bell curve. :-)

> The dogs eyes really says it all or asks the questions: sad, bored, angry?

Bored, I think, if such emotions apply. Clearly, they were waiting while 
their human was in a store. I say "their" because there were two. The 
second remained much as the one I first posted had been as I walked up 
and aimed at it. 

As I walked away and the excitement of my presence passed, the first one 
was on its way back down. Still, a more flattering pose than its 

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