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Re: [OM] Images As The Mood Strikes - 3 (x2)

Subject: Re: [OM] Images As The Mood Strikes - 3 (x2)
From: "Ian Manners" <oice500@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 14:07:14 +1000 (EST)
I notice the art of initial capture is giving way to the computer
enhanced and corrected photo a lot more laterly.

I still prefer to set the lighting/atmosphere up and capture that
visualised image on film with no editing.

Such as what I did with this TOPE image :-


I find it more interesting and enjoyable to spend the same or
similiar amount of time to create the scene that I want to capture,
that to spend the time afterwards altering an image on a computer.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with altering an image
digitally to get the image you want to see, just pointing out
how it is becoming the norm, either in camera or post editing.

Though I will admit I spent a lot more time making up my little
LED lighting units for the shot above at least I have more tools
to use in the future. They also come in handy for my wife to use
as night lights so she doesnt wake me up (1400Hrs here and
she's just going to bed, were as I've been up since 0800Hrs
so she doesnt use them often)

Ian Manners

2 "Ain't Nobody's business if I do" Peter McWilliams
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