> From: Chris Barker <sgbt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I often tell my (male) students that they're
> too fussy about looks; that as they get older they will realise how
> attractiveness is manifest in many forms -- they will become less
> fussy :-)
Getting back to whiskey... they can use whiskey to experience "getting
older," at least in the respect of fussyness. (Of course, the whiskey
will help them experience "getting younger" in many other aspects... :-)
:::: Quite clearly, our task is predominantly metaphysical, for it is
how to get all of humanity to educate itself swiftly enough to
generate spontaneous behaviors that will avoid extinction. -- R.
Buckminster Fuller, _Synergetics_ ::::
:::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality http://www.EcoReality.org ::::
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