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Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh

Subject: Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 08:39:46 -0500
> Dude, if you're not referring to the bokeh of a Zuiko 90/2.0 Macro, or a
> Canon EF 50/1.2L or 85/1.2L, it's *not* bokeh... Nothing compares.

I've not been so blessed with any of those lenses.  But, it is true the 90/2
has that magical quality.  In fact, the bokeh and DoF is probably reasonably
close. Most of those 300/4.5 shots were taken at F8 whereas, the 90/2 would
have been a bit wider-open.


The wind was blowing them around, and the reason why I was using F8 had less
to do with DoF (although, I'm pleased with the results) and more to do with

> P.S. Just kidding, the 300/4.5 is wonderful

For some odd reason, the 300/4.5 produces images that make you think it's an
F2.8 lens.  I've personally never encountered another lens like it.

Not bad for a cast-off, eh?

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