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Re: [OM] Working hours

Subject: Re: [OM] Working hours
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 17:29:52 +1000
There was a quite serious analysis of that scenario done a couple of  
years ago - of pathological narcissitic personalities in  
organisations who are loathed by their underlings who can see their  
incompetence but admired by their overllords who are fooled by the  
upward flow of bullsh*t.
The one I had was so recognised pretty much universally but had a  
five year unbreakable contract.
Andrew Fildes

On 06/05/2009, at 3:27 PM, Moose wrote:

> Ah yes. I had "The Boss From Hell" for about five years. Such serious
> personality defects that he had a clear effect of pulling down  
> everyone
> around him. I have never done so much totally over the top,  
> meaningless
> busywork. His compensatory skill was an astonishing ability to  
> brown nose.

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