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Re: [OM] Working hours

Subject: Re: [OM] Working hours
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 22:12:21 -0700
Jan Steinman wrote:
> Those who have become more efficient and knowledgeable should not have to 
> work so hard to achieve the same result, no? Po*, why not strive for "equal 
> results" and "equal compensation," whereby the master provides direction and 
> correction, and the apprentice provides brawn and grunt work. 

Yeah, I just posted about that, too.

> Then the master can go fishing, and "work" on more important things, like 
> what is the meaning of life, 

I don't know about goin' fishin'. There still remains much to be done 
when all the happy workers are beavering away. But it's true, in my 
observation and experience that the most effective managers are careful 
not to do the work of their operations, but concentrate on larger 
things. The really great, very rare ones, see no difference between work 
and play. They are more likely than not thinking work when fishing, in 
the shower, whatever.

I worked on a project with a fellow doing a stint as the CEO's sidekick, 
an almost sure route to Division Manager if you don't screw up. He said 
even sitting in a boat on Lake Tahoe, and obviously relaxed, the Boss 
was thinking and talking business. I have worked with or for some pretty 
good managers, as well as some real turkeys, but this guy was the only 
"real thing" I ever knew. I finally understood how one person could turn 
a company around.

> and why do people work like insane fools until they're continuously tired, so 
> that some day they might have the luxury of being, all of a sudden, complete 
> leeches on the system, when they become re-tired? :-)
> I think retirement requires some serious training, and I'm trying to become a 
> partial leech before having to become a complete one.

Gee, didn't take any training for me. I took to it like a duck to water, 
as they say.
> *Eduard DeBono has proposed the neologism "po," used like "so," to describe a 
> purposely provocative position, meant for opening meaningful dialogue, rather 
> than as a proposal to be implemented as-is.

And "xo" to describe a deliberately provocative position, intended to 
stir up sh*t? That would be useful here. ;-)

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