Donald wrote:
> Piers Hemy wrote:
>> Yet another E-system body!
>> E-450 is announced today, a development of (but not a replacement for) E-420
> I'll be astonished if they can sustain both for any length of time. They're
> too similar, essentially the same camera with a firmware update...sorta.
Seems likely that their development schedule has outrun the retail
channel's ability to clear out the old stuff.
It appears to be an attempt to support prices for distributors and
retailers holding stock of the E-420. The alternative is remaindering
the old model, which hurts everyone from Oly to the local store. They
guessed how many E-420s to make before the global economic turndown. So
now they try keeping both models officially current, with a small price
It's a risky strategy, I think. To the extent that it allows local,
bricks and mortar shops to sell off the older model at a profit, it
might help retailer relations. Doesn't sound like the old Oly, though.
I assume the parallel sales of E-520 & 620 are the same thing.
Who knows, maybe in a tight economic time offering a slightly less
featured model at a little less money will sell the excess off.
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