Wyoming is a wonderful place. High altitude, clean fresh air, low humidity,
25cm precipitation annually, wind from 5-80mph (3-40mps), temp range from -40 F
or C or lower to 100+F (38C) or higher, 60-70% annual sunny days or about 300
sunny days per year, population 5 people per square mile in 92,000+ square
miles, largest city is about 65,000 maybe, smallest is 1-2 people and several
dogs, cats, cattle, horses, antelope. Please come visit.
Mike in Laramie
--- zuikooh@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Iwert <zuikooh@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Olympus Camera Discussion <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [OM] RF and other radiation + odyssey was: Earth Hour
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 21:35:41 +0200
Ah, so we'll just all move close to each other, and start an OM-
commune with barter system.
I'll draw the plans :) Is Wyoming a nice place?
Op 31-mrt-09, om 21:28 heeft Ken Norton het volgende geschreven:
>> OK, I give up. A good old post office will do then (though they're
>> closing everywhere here).
>> Anybody willing to start a nice analogue OM mailing list? Come to
>> think of it, any news of the Odyssey camera's?
> I've been thinking of starting an film OM list... lol
> As to the good old post office, well things are migrating towards
> RFID tags
> as well as live-tracking of the postal delivery people. Sorry,
> that won't
> fly either.
> AG
> --
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